The Business Owner’s Balancing Act

When things are going well in your business, it is normal to live the dichotomy of feeling a sense of relief while still feeling overwhelmed. This is because once the balls begin to roll, you have more to juggle! Business ownership is a constant balancing act. In the midst of growth, it is easiest to maintain balance when support is knitted into your plan. Here are some ways to maintain balance while staying conscious of your state of growth as a business owner.
Do What You Love and Outsource the Rest
Entertain the idea above at least once. Here’s why…If you are doing the things you enjoy, you become your best and strongest self. It may even feel like second nature. Doing what you love is why you started your own business, right?!
Hand off the weights of what you do not enjoy doing, so you can run faster. Outsource or hire someone to help you. In the end, your return on investment from outsourcing will be multiplied. You will be running your marathon with complete ease and joy! Yes, it is ok to ask for help!
Have Grace
Lots of times the biggest hurdle towards accomplishing your goals is yourself. Create space for grace. Give yourself enough grace, so that you can see it is ok if you don’t know how to do something. And even if you you know how to, doesn’t mean you have to. We do better when we know what our strengths and weaknesses are. Have grace to be able to easily accept where you would benefit most from outside help. The faster you realize that it is a strength to be able to have that wisdom, and not an entrepreneurial defeat, the quicker you will find balance.
Become the Best You
The best you, is not overwhelmed. The best you chooses support and does not push through the uninteresting parts of your business that bring you the least joy. This is where outsourcing comes in. The more you outsource, the more you have time to step deeper into you, and bring to life your ideas and visions you set out to conquer in the first place. Fuel the motivation that started it all. Bring that “why”, that passion, and the desire to contribute to the world back. Do what makes it all worth your effort and time. You can choose to be your best. In the end, when you outsource, you have more energy, motivation, and passion to give to your company, in ways only you know best.
Tools for You
If you are looking for more inspiration for running your business, check out our podcast! If you need tips and tools, read our blog. Maintain a toolbox to rely on when you need it. Create a team that supports you and the goals of the business. Fulfilling your “why” is the goal and maintaining balance will help you get there.